My Johnny NoName Experience 4/2/00

BSB in Cleveland

Johnny Experience

Johnny NoName pics

Pollyanna at Club Tabu

Howie at Club Tabu

BSB at NY Press Conference

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Last March, right before the start of the JNN tour, VH1 held a contest. The prize was a pair of tickets to the JNN show of your choice and backstage passes to meet him. All you had to do was tell them WHY you wanted to meet Johnny. Well, seeing a forum to discuss everything I always wanted to say to AJ/Johnny, I entered the contest. I must admit, my entry kicked ass. I just went into detail about why I wanted to meet him, what I wanted to say to him, etc.

I submitted the entry the day I got it, which was on a Tuesday. On Friday, I left to go to Minneapolis to meet my friends for the JNN show. I hadn't heard anything about the contest, but I still held out hope that I might hear something over the weekend, or they would call, considering they asked for my phone number.

I kept calling my voicemail throughout the weekend and checking my e-mail when I could, still nothing. The show was on Sunday at 6 PM. It was General Admission, so we had to get in line early if we wanted to get decent seats. We did, we ended up in the front row, BUT had I known what I was missing out on, I would have gladly traded. Obviously, standing outside a club in downtown Minneapolis, I didn't have internet access, so I was unable to check my e-mail all day. Although I did check my voicemail a few times when we went back to the hotel throughout the day.

The following day, after we dragged our sorry asses out of bed because we had been up all night yapping about how great the show Johnny put on was, we went to a friends' house & I checked my e-mail. WELL, lo and behold, what do you think was awaiting my poor little hungover eyes when I opened my e-mail? You guessed it, an e-mail from the executive producer of the 'Daily One' on VH1 telling me to contact him ASAP (along with his number), that I had won the contest! The e-mail was sent at 3 PM on THE DAY OF the show! The day of a General Admission show at that!! What was wrong with these people?? Do they NOT know that since the show was General Admission, we had to sit outside all day just to guarantee that we would even SEE the man????!!

I don't think I can explain to you in enough detail all the emotions that raged through me in the few minutes that followed me reading that e-mail.
Shock: "Holy shit, I won! I could have met Johnny!" Sadness: "Holy shit, I could have met Johnny, but the idiots didn't notify me in time. This is so depressing".
Anger: "That's it, I'm gonna blow up this man's voicemail and e-mail box until he gives me backstage passes to another JNN show! Someone's going to pay!!!"

I sat there staring at the computer screen for a long time. My friends that were gathered around me were afraid to say anything to me. They didn't know what I would do. Ugly things were spewing forth from my mouth. I can't remember the last time I had been that upset.

Well, needless to say, VH1 didn'give me anything and they are now numero uno on my shitlist. The only other TV station that comes close to them is CBS for coming in and ripping out OUR seats for the pageant, FRONT ROW SEATS, I might add, and turning it into General Admission a couple hours before the pageant began (Don't get me started on THAT fiasco!) .

I just keep getting screwed every time I turn around -every time AJ/Johnny is involved. I don't even get the luxury of a cuddle afterward! Sheesh! No wonder I start to twitch every time Johnny's name is mentioned..any situation where he's even remotely involved, I'm left traumatized!!!!!


Look at the pics!